Fortaprime Q623

Fortaprime Q623 is primarily designed for application to ferrous metals. It is quick drying and best applied by short pile roller or spray gun. Small areas may be brushed. Fortaprime Q623 can be applied by an individual with DIY painting experience with due care and attention. To learn more or for order inquiries, complete our contact form.



  • This paint was designed as a zinc phosphate/rust inhibitor for ferrous metals
  • Fortaprime Q623 is ideal for containers, gates, doors, structural steelwork, machinery. Excellent coverage and colour strength.
  • Excellent rust conversion which converts residual rust after wire brushing into an inert corrosion resistant layer.
  • This paint is easy to apply with either a brush or roller.

Additional information

Available Container Sizes

5 litre, 20 litre

Imager Title

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